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Album cover of the first two versions:

Album cover of the new version:

  • Album Photos
  • Song List & Lyrics (Chinese)
    1. Automation
    2. Everyday is sunday
    3. As beautiful as you want
    4. Theory of relativity
    5. Thanks to your ex-lovers
    6. Children's playground
    7. Swirl PNO Mix
    8. Portable "Paris"
    9. Windy
    10. As beautiful as you want (Ren Shan Ren Hai Mix”^
    11. Songs in dreams
    12. Tell me through the pillow (Mandarin)
  • Read Chinese Version
  • Cass Albums: As Beautiful As You Want

    Published on 21st August 2000, by Sony Music

    There are three packaging versions of this album: the first version contains a batch of gifts and coupons; the second version is a typical normal version; the third version is a new version, with new album cover and album photos. The CD itself is in CD-Extra format. When you put it into a PC, you can read Cass's simple profile and download the screensaver and wallpapers designed by Sony Music.

    For more information about this album and the awards won by its songs please refer to Cass Profile - Albums and Songs section.


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